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Event Overview

The search for solutions to the antibiotic resistance problem is moving beyond traditional antibiotic drugs, leading researchers to some unexpected places. The Scientist is bringing together a panel of experts in the field of antibiotic development to present their research on novel solutions for overcoming superbugs that have developed resistance to traditional antimicrobials.

Topics to be Covered
  • AncientBiotics: Medieval medicine and modern applications
  • Identifying and developing novel antimicrobial peptides from Komodo dragons
  • Coopting the enemy: using biofilms to find antibiotics
Thursday, January 9, 2020
2:30 - 4:00 PM, Eastern Standard Time


Steve Diggle, PhD
Associate Professor
Center for Microbial Dynamics & Infection
School of Biological Sciences
Georgia Institute of Technology

Barney Bishop, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry George Mason University

Lori Burrows, PhD
Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences Associate Director Michael G. DeGroote Institute for Infectious Disease Research McMaster University

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From Ancient Recipes to the Blood of Komodo Dragons: The Quest for a Solution to the Current Onslaught of Superbugs

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