Beyond Next-Generation Sequencing_990x120
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Event Overview

Third-generation sequencing methods promise longer sequence reads without the challenges of genome assembly. Beyond simple DNA sequencing, these technologies can reveal epigenetics, transcriptomics, and metagenomics data. This webinar, brought to you by The Scientist, will explore new sequencing technologies in development that surpass the capability of current next-generation sequencing to help more fully understand human health and disease.

Topics to be Covered
  • Solving computational problems in genomics research
  • Applying complex genomics for understanding health and disease
Thursday, March 26, 2020
2:30 - 4:00 PM, Eastern Standard Time


Michael Schatz, PhD
Bloomberg Distinguished Associate Professor of Computer Science and Biology,
Johns Hopkins University
Adjunct Associate Professor of Quantitative Biology, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Kristin G. Beaumont, PhD
Assistant Professor & Assistant Director of Single Cell Genomics Technology Development
Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Icahn Institute for Data Science and Genomic Technology


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Beyond Next-Generation Sequencing

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