
Event Overview

The recent shift from bulk data to individual cellular profiles unveiled how diverse cellular populations can be. The next challenge is to understand how these different individual cells interact with each other to create systems. In this webinar brought to you by The Scientist, Timothy O’Sullivan and Jacob Blum examine how they apply data from numerous individual cells within physiological and pathological contexts to better understand mechanisms of health and disease.

Topics covered
  • Detailing cellular landscapes with single cell transcriptomics and flow cytometry
  • Resolving inflammatory networks in human obesity
  • The transcriptional heterogeneity of spinal motor neurons
  • Watch On-Demand Now!

    Meet the Speakers

    Timothy E. O’Sullivan, PhD
    Morrison Family Chair in Immunology
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics
    University of California, Los Angeles

    Jacob Blum
    Laboratory of Aaron Gitler
    Department of Genetics
    Stanford University

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