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Event Overview

Neural cells differentiated from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) provide researchers with the opportunity to study processes that otherwise lack physiologically relevant models. Additionally, high-throughput phenotypic screening of hiPSC-derived cells reduces the need for pre-clinical screening and improves drug discovery and development. In this webinar brought to you by BrainXell, Bryan Black and Lucas Thal will discuss their work screening hiPSC-derived neurons and microglia and the benefits of modeling the central nervous system with hiPSCs.

Topics to be covered
  • Primary and hiPSC support cell-enriched co-cultures in developing phenotypic assays
  • A high-content phenotypic assay for modulating neuroinflammatory processes in human iPSC-derived microglia
  • Tuesday, July 20, 2021
    2:30 - 4:00 PM Eastern Time

    Meet the Speakers

    Bryan James Black, PhD
    Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering
    Francis College of Engineering
    University of Massachusetts

    Lucas Thal, PhD
    Scientist II
    PhenoVista Biosciences

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    TS_WEBINARISGNUP_Using Automated 2D Electrophoresis for Protein Separation and Detecting Host Cell Proteins July 1, 2021

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