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Event Overview

CRISPR-based methods have opened new possibilities for scientists studying gene function. While CRISPR knockout is the most discussed tool, CRISPR activation (CRISPRa) is becoming the preferred method for gene activation and overexpression for gain-of-function studies. In this webinar sponsored by Horizon Discovery, Steve Smith from Horizon will discuss how harnessing the specificity of CRISPR to activate or overexpress a gene within its endogenous context adds a powerful alternative approach to studying pathway components that may go undetected by loss-of-function analysis.

The consistency of the single-guide format associated with CRISPRa gene expression solves many of the challenges related to traditional vector-based approaches, including minimizing differences in expression and transfection due to transcript sizes.

Topics to be covered
  • What is CRISPRa and how does it work?
  • Tools needed to perform CRISPRa gene activation
  • Experimental strategies for successful CRISPRa implementation
  • Examples of CRISPRa applications
  • CRISPRa for functional genomic screening
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
2:30 - 4:00 PM, Eastern Standard Time


Steve Smith, PhD, MBA
Product Manager, Gene Modulation
Horizon Discovery


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Gene Activation by CRISPRa: Optimizing Overexpression for Gain-of-Function Studies

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