990x120 (1) october 18 symp

Event Overview

The immune system possesses a plasticity that allows it to adapt to shifting threats. This plasticity is driven by cellular heterogeneity—where immune cells adopt different genotypes and phenotypes based on internal and external signaling. Often, small cellular subsets are instrumental in driving immune responses in health and disease. Single cell methods provide a high-resolution view into these subsets and individual cells rather than composites or averages from many cells. Moreover, multiomic profiling of simultaneous readouts, such as gene expression, cell surface proteins, and receptor sequences, from the same cell allow for more refined and robust characterization of these highly heterogeneous cell populations.

In this virtual symposium, brought to you by 10x Genomics, an expert panel will examine how single cell multiomic techniques shape the understanding of immune cell heterogeneity and immune function.

Symposium program
    1:10 PM – TBD
    Bali Pulendran, PhD

    1:50 PM – Single-Cell Multi-omics Profiling of Breast Tumors Treated with Checkpoint Immunotherapy
    Diether Lambrechts, PhD

    2:30 PM – Harnessing Single Cell Genomics for Target Discovery and Precision Medicine
    Miriam Merad, MD, PhD

    3:10 PM – Open panel Q&A session

Monday, October 18, 2021

 1:00 - 4:00 PM, Eastern Time


Bali Pulendran, PhD
Violetta L. Horton Professor
Institute for Immunity, Transplantation, and Infection,
Departments of Pathology and Microbiology and Immunology
Stanford University School of Medicine
Stanford University

Diether Lambrechts, PhD
Full Professor
Department of Human Genetics
Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnologie (VIB)
Katholieke Universiteit (KU) Leuven

Miriam Merad, MD, PhD
Precision Immunology Institute
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

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TS_WEBINARISGNUP_10x Genomics_Symposium_How Cellular Heterogeneity Drives Immune Responses October 18, 2021

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