990x120 june 30

Event Overview

The -omics revolution changed how scientists approach scientific questions, allowing them to expand the scope and depth of their studies. Now, advances in data processing and analysis facilitate multiomic studies. In this webinar from The Scientist, Benjamin Haibe-Kains and Rachelly Normand will discuss multiomic approaches for cell atlas construction, biomarker discovery, and disease research.

Topics to be covered
  • Multiomic approaches for cancer biomarker discovery
  • Constructing an atlas for the SARS-CoV-2 pathological response
  • Monday, June 28th, 2021
    2:30 - 4:00 PM Eastern Time

    Meet the Speakers

    Benjamin Haibe-Kains, PhD
    Senior Scientist
    Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
    University Health Network
    Associate Professor
    Department of Medical Biophysics
    University of Toronto

    Rachelly Normand, PhD
    Postdoctoral Research Associate
    Alexandra-Chloé Villani Laboratory
    Massachusetts General Hospital
    Harvard Medical School
    The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

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