
Event Overview

Real Life, Brandon Taylor’s critically-acclaimed debut novel, follows a graduate student named Wallace through a late-summer weekend in a Midwestern college town. As he copes with the aftermath of a mishap in the lab, Wallace, who is Black, also deals with subtle and not-so-subtle racism and a sense of alienation from his friends, and struggles to decide whether he should stay on in his PhD program. We’ll talk with Taylor, himself a former graduate student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, about how his own experiences in academia informed the story.

Before and after the webinar, readers are invited to join the discussion in The Scientist Social Club Facebook Group

Topics to be covered

  • How and why the author transitioned from science to fiction writing
  • The process of writing the book
  • The culture of academic science, and the barriers it can present to people from underrepresented groups

  • Friday, May 21, 2021
    2:00 - 3:00 PM, Eastern Time


    Brandon Taylor
    senior editor of Electric Literature’s Recommended Reading and a staff writer at Lit Hub

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